Small Groups have one, simple purpose: to bring people together. We believe God created us to live in relationship with others and only then can we live the full life He intends for us. Sharing life through community is part of our design, but meaningful relationships aren’t always easy to find. That’s why small groups exist - to make these life-changing relationships relevant and accessible to you.
Our desire is for every Common Grounder to be a part of a Community Group. In our groups we minister to one another, learn the Bible together, develop friendships and serve others. Whether you are new to CG or a regular attender, this is an important first step in your faith walk at Common Ground Church.
Our desire is for every Common Grounder to be a part of a Community Group. In our groups we minister to one another, learn the Bible together, develop friendships and serve others. Whether you are new to CG or a regular attender, this is an important first step in your faith walk at Common Ground Church.

Community Groups are the heartbeat of our church. These groups meet to pursue discipleship, share meals, serve each other, and reach out to their neighbors. Community Groups meet for 2 hours just every other week, and we believe them to be the primary way to get connected at CG Church. CommGroups at CG Church can become your family within the bigger family! Simply fill out the form below to get connected. You can join one of our CommGroups at anytime.
Small Groups are all designed to help supplement our existing community groups or lead to a more permanent community group. Each one is specific to a certain audience type, subject matter, Bible study, common interest, or felt need. Some groups may encounter a cost for materials.
If you’re walking through a difficult season, navigating a challenging relationship, or experiencing a crisis, we want to come alongside you. We’re here to listen and to pray with you. We also hope to provide trusted resources, connect you with other ministry partners, and offer support. Some care groups are ongoing groups and others last for a few weeks according to the study being offered.
Lead A Group
Leading a small group isn’t about being perfect; it’s about serving others by giving them a place to connect. Hosting a group is simple! Select a time and location to meet with others and we will help with the rest. We give you essential tools to make your small group successful through Leadership Training and will post your group in a directory where others can find it easily.
To offer healthy leadership for our groups, we think it is best that you, as a potential leader, have been part of CG Church for a while, that you have participated as a member of a small group or community group, and that you are a Covenant Partner with CG Church. We believe people’s lives are changed for the better when they are connected to a group of believers seeking to live for Christ! As a small group leader you get to play an important role in that process. If you're interested to lead a group, please contact us.
To offer healthy leadership for our groups, we think it is best that you, as a potential leader, have been part of CG Church for a while, that you have participated as a member of a small group or community group, and that you are a Covenant Partner with CG Church. We believe people’s lives are changed for the better when they are connected to a group of believers seeking to live for Christ! As a small group leader you get to play an important role in that process. If you're interested to lead a group, please contact us.